It is proven scientifically that the health and the human being longevity is bound to the type and quantity of water that wastes away during the life.
The longevity is associated with the regular consumption of alkaline water.
Since those undone are born that they go accumulating little by little around our cells, these with the time will be the cause of illnesses and of the process of premature aging.
A healthy blood contains 92% of water aprox.
The human body is composed of 70% of water aprox.
To drink from 6 to 8 daily glasses of alkaline water works like a therapy anti aging; it slows the appearance of wrinkles, because it helps to the production of collagen and elating, it conserves the hydrate and cleaning of the skin and the hair maintaining them with healthy and juvenile aspect.
90% of the volume of our brain is compound for water and is the main vehicle of the electro chemical transmissions.
To drink alkaline water, is obligatory if we want that our brain works in a good way.
The migraine can be a symptom of the lack of water required in the brain and eyes. The migraine you can avoid impeding the dehydration of the body.
A descent of only 2% of water in the body can cause momentary loss by heart and difficulty to read.
To drink from 6 to 8 daily glasses of alkaline water, increases the elasticity of the sanguine glasses and the sanguine flow, diminishing the risk of heart attacks; the alkaline water is rich in oxygen and an assistant in the transport in fact of the oxygenate to all the cells.
Cholesterol and Triglycerides. It has been proven to drink enough it dilutes alkaline, it helps to eliminate the excess of bad cholesterol in our organism.
The alkaline water helps us to elevate the defenses of the organism.
The alkaline water is a natural antioxidant with Alkahidroxy™, it evens the pH of our organism, what is a recovery factor and support in the defensive processes of the organism and it contributes to avoid the formation of cancerous tumors.
An imperceptible dehydration will slow the metabolism as much as 3% that which will favor to the obesity.
The hipper stomach acidity, is a sign of dehydration and to treat her by means of antacid, it will only take place with the time a stomach inflammation and of the duodenum, ulcers and possibly cancer in the digestive tract, pancreas and liver.
The Colitis and the constipation are a sign of lack of water in the thick intestine. This condition will cause chronic constipation that in turn can cause diverticula’s, polyps and hemorrhoids, and to increase the possibility to contract colon cancer and rectum.
To drink from 6 to 8 glasses of alkaline water a day, it avoids the constipation, maintaining the clean digestive system.
The obesity can be avoided and to be solved, when drinking 8 glasses of alkaline water at least during the day, it doesn't put on weight, it helps to calm the hunger without adding any extra calorie, and it facilitates that all the redactor diets works, favoring the elimination of accumulated fats.
The alkaline water favors the mineralization of the bones, since the organism doesn't need to use its reservations of alkaline minerals, as the calcium, to neutralize the harmful acids.
To drink enough alkaline water during the day, helps to reduce the appearance of pains articulates and of the back, caused by the arthritis and rheumatisms, since many of these, are signs of lack of water.
The Diabetes is another probable cause due to the dehydration of the body. To drink alkaline water reverts the mature diabetes in the initial stages.
The depression, the loss of the libido, symptom of fatigue chronicle, lupus, the multiple sclerosis, the muscular dystrophy, etc. they are conditions that can be cause of a lingering dehydration.
To drink from 6 to 8 glasses of alkaline water a day, significantly they could alleviate many sufferings, in 80% of people.
Most of the processes of purification of the water that is expended at the moment, give for result an inert water, dead water, certainly it is purified water without some microorganisms but with a low pH, that is to say acid water, that will cause us damage in our organism at the time.
The solution is alkalinize the purified water and still the natural one to support to the organism to develop defenses and to body detoxification.
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